Learning electronics

On occasion the question is posted to me, I want to learn electronics what should I order? This is of course a loaded question and can go in so many directions. So naturally like answering any good question we must ask a few questions of our own.

  • Are you looking to learn Electronic theory?
  • Are you wanting to build electronics?
  • Are you wanting to repair electronics?
  • Are you looking to work with microcontrollers?

The one thing that all of these have in common is that you need a basic understanding of electronics no matter what you want to learn. The most basic is an understanding of Ohms law. Ohm’s Law explains the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance by stating that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points.

A law relating the voltage difference between two points, the electric current flowing between them, and the resistance of the path of the current. Mathematically, the law states that V = IR, where V is the voltage difference, I is the current in amperes, and R is the resistance in ohms. For a given voltage, higher resistance entails lower current flow.

Digi-Key offers an online Ohm’s Law Calculator to assist you in making sure your calculations are correct.

If you are looking to build or fix boards you are going to want a knowledge of how a DMM works and a basic soldering station. This soldering station can be used to solder and desolder components and the DMM to test the components and the board.

Looking to branch into the work of microcontrollers and sensors the world really opens up here. Most of the popular chips such as the arduino and pic have boards and tutorials available. If you are looking for a single board computer that is a great learning platform the Raspberry pie is a great option and has a ton of tutorials available.

Here are some great learning topics we have created.

What is your learning question?

While you will not earn your EE on here our team of techs and engineers can help to point you in the right direction and can work with you and the manufacturer to ensure your next project is a success.

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@redpitaya put out this video that covers Resistors & Kirchhoff’s law and then dives in a little deeper using their Red Pitaya kits.