Looking for Anywhere USB 2 port device

Looking for Anywhere USB 2 port device.

Same or another as:
PART: 602-1546-ND MFG : Digi International / AW-USB-2

Hi Heselyn,

Welcome to the Tech Forum!

Digi recommends the AnywhereUSB 2 Plus (Digi part number AW02-G300 or Digi-Key part number 602-2293-ND) as the replacement for the AnywhereUSB/2 (Digi part number AW-USB-2 or Digi-Key part number 602-1546-ND).

The AnywhereUSB 2 Plus requires an external power supply. Digi recommends the 5V, 30W 76000965 (Digi-Key part number 602-1883-ND) supply if you plan to use the USB ports for charging, or the 5V, 15W 76000934 (Digi-Key part number 602-1950-ND) supply if you do not need to charge via the USB ports.