
------Question for MLX90378GGO-ABJ-300-RE Please Put your question below------

I have a request for part # MLX90378GGO-ABJ-320-RE…

BUT i can only find details on MLX90378GGO-ABJ-300-RE…

even the product spec sheet shows that ‘300’ is the only call out, NOT ‘320’.

Does anyone know? is MLX90378GGO-ABJ-320-RE a valid part # ? or is it a typo and it should ready MLX90378GGO-ABJ-300-RE?

Hello Sara,

After reviewing the datasheet, it would seem that 320 may be a typo.
I have not found any mention of 320 as an option or that there is anything besides 300 or 307 as option codes. I also reviewed other Triaxis from Melexis and found no mention of -320 as an option.