MOTOROLA MPN 1.5KE200CA alternative part numbers

we could explain our customers that the alternative part number

1.5KE200CA-B / F5115-ND as TVS DIODE 171VWM 274VC DO201 from Littelfuse Inc.

is really very similar in all ways to the requested MOTOROLA MPN: 1.5KE200CA.

1.5KE200CA / 497-11375-1-ND - Cut Tape (CT) or 497-11375-3-ND - Tape & Box (TB) as

TVS – T ransient Voltage Suppression or Zener DIODE 171VWM 353VC DO201 from

STMicroelectronicsTRANSIL™ series could also be an option with a higher Max. Clamping

Voltage and much higher specified Peak Pulse Current of 28A (8/20µs) vs 5.5A from Littelfuse.

The TechForum Cross Reference category is for parts that Digi-Key does not sell or parts that have gone obsolete. Our Engineers and Techs have reviewed the specifications for these parts and made a recommendation for a replacement. Please review the suggested part to ensure it will work for your application.