I have this crimp tool (WM24837-ND) with the wrong crimp die (I’m not really sure what its called, when i say crimp dies, i’m referring to the black things that go down and crimp the contacts), I would like to use in on the Molex MiniFit Jr. series. I purchased a new locator assembly (WM1190-ND) for MiniFit Jr. series, now I just need the new crimp dies to be used with the MiniFit Jr. series. Do you sell only those crimp dies?
You are correct by saying a Die Set for the Crimp tool.
I do have to ask first what is the Part number for the contacts that you are using?
It is possible there could be a replacement Die Set, but I would need to know the correct contact in order to get you the correct Die Set.
The Different Die sets are determined by different AWG sizes.
Any questions Please let me know.
I primarily use option A (below), but occasionally use option B. Can you provide me with 2 different die sets?
I’m not sure if it makes a difference between the male or female, so I provided you with both part number:
Option A: A100833CT-ND (Female) A111633CT-ND (Male)
Option B: A100459CT-ND (Female) A110999CT-ND (Male)
Hello drotlevi,
Those part numbers for the Contacts are for TE Connectivity.
Those contacts are not made for the Molex MiniFit Jr. series.
The crimp tool WM24837-ND is a Molex brand tool.
I am sorry, but I cannot recommend that crimp tool for those contacts.
I can get you a Crimp tool from TE Connectivity for those contacts.
Otherwise if you have the part numbers for the Housings that you are using I can help get the correct contacts and correct crimp tool for them.
Ok, here are the Molex contacts:
Option A: 0039000039 (female) 0039000041 (male)
Option B: 0039000077 (female) 0039000081 (male)
Please advise.
OK, those contacts are correct for the MiniFit Jr connectors.
With your Option A: 0039000039 (female) 0039000041 (male) contacts, the Recommended crimp tool will be the WM24837-ND. This is made to go from 18-24awg which those contacts are rated for.
This one you stated you had.
For your Option B: 0039000077 (female) 0039000081 (male) contacts, these are rated for 16awg.
That crimp tool WM24837-ND will not work on them.
They do not list a different Die set for that tool.
The other option is to look at the Crimp Tool WM17551-ND
This will work for those contacts as it is made for 16-28awg, It is the Service grade version, versus the more premium version in the WM24837-ND.
If you want the Premium version for the 16awg you would have to get a new tool. That tool will be WM17657-ND
These are what Molex recommends to use. The Service Grade tool WM17551-ND would work for both.
I hope this will help you out.
I’m sorry if I was unclear, perhaps the attached picture will clarify. I have the tool, but with the wrong die set. I am looking for the correct die set only (without the tool). I believe that I already have the correct locator assembly (WM1190-ND) to be used with Option Option A: 0039000039 (female) 0039000041 (male).
Would you be able to tell me the part number for the die set only?
Would you also be able to confirm that I have the correct locator assembly?
Ok thank you for the picture and information.
Looking at the picture there is a number on the Frame of the Tool. It is 638191200. This would our Digi-Key part number WM9024-ND.
From the looks of it, it is made for the Claspcon Pin and Socket Crimp Terminals.
These are Different then the MinFit Jr contacts.
After looking some more I am sorry, but they do not sell the Die Set Individually.