NI LabVIEW Software-WM Suffix

When looking at NI’s - LabVIEW software

What does the “WM” suffix mean. For example what is the difference between 784503-35 and 784503-35WM.

The “WM” stands for with media and includes the software on a USB device. The part numbers without the “WM” are digital software downloads only.

Here is a list of orderable part numbers.

For more information and a breakdown of the differences between the Base, Full, and Pro versions please see this datasheet.

We have the digital versions readily available, the “WM” versions would need to be ordered as a non-catalog part through our quotes department.

Applicable Part Numbers
Digi-Key Part Numbers
2770-784503-35-ND 2770-776690-35-ND 2770-778249-35-ND
2770-776671-35-ND 2770-776670-35-ND 2770-776698-35-ND
2770-784522-35-ND 2770-777756-35-ND 2770-776678-35-ND
Manufacturer Part Numbers
784503-35 776690-35 778249-35
776671-35 776670-35 776698-35
784522-35 777756-35 776678-35

Is downloading and using “OPC Servers 2016 add on” included when purchasing “784584-35 LABVIEW PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT”?

According to the datasheet, the add-ons listed all had to be purchased separately, however, that particular add-on was not listed. I have reached out to our Product Manager for clarification. I will let you know as soon as I receive their reply.

Per our Product Manager: The OPC Servers is a free download. OPC Servers Download

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