Omron G8P-1A4P-V 24VDC Relay replacement?

Looking to replace the relay on my stove. The current part, Omron G8P-1A4P-V 24VDC 30A 250VAC is discontinued. Any suggestions on a direct replacement?

Thank you

Unfortunately I could not find a replacement for this one.

T9AS1L12-24 and J115F11A24VDCS6.9 look like they might be worth a try, though no guarantees can be given.

Note that you’ll probably want to open the vent on either. The attached document from TE does a good job of explaining the what & why.

ENG_CS_13C9136_Venting_Sealed_Relays_AppNote_0613_13C9136_-Venting_of_Sealed_Relays-_that_have_vents.pdf|attachment (614.6 KB)

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