Pin Details

Hi there!
I have bought the [AS7026GG-WRISTBAND] BIOMETRIC SENSOR WRISTBAND for my project and I need to know the pin details of the wristband ie: what does the 10 pins denote? ( For eg: Which is Vds, ground etc.,) Only if I know that I will be able to proceed with my project. I have herewith attached the photo of my wristband and also circled the pin in the wristband for which I’m looking for the details about. I would be very pleased if I get an answer for what I’m looking for.

Kind Regards,
Vatsala Ramakrishnan.


Per this notice dated 17June2021, the AS7026 device on which this product is based is being discontinued, with a last time buy date of 31Aug2021. Does this affect your needs?

AMS does not seem to have published documentation regarding this connector, and may not respond to requests for this information since the product will soon become unavailable. If you are still interested, we can inquire further.


Thank you for your reply. I have already bought the product (AS7026GG Wristband). And I would like to keep you informed that I’m still interested to know the pin details of this product, since I want the pin details for completing my project. Now, whom should I approach so that I will get the pin details? Could I get any contact info or email so that I can get the pin details from them. It is a matter of urgency and I hope you would understand.

Kind Regards,
Vatsala Ramakrishnan.

A request for this information has been submitted. I will provide an update when a response is received.

Thank you very much for your response. I appreciate it. Looking forward for the details I asked for.

Kind Regards,
Vatsala Ramakrishnan.