Pinout for Sensor Breakout Board?


Purchased this breakout board with sensor but did part not come with any documentation and unable to find pinout anywhere online. Can you assist? Thank you in advance.

Bill M

Sorry, Bill.

Like you, I am unable to locate the information.

I have sent a request to broadcom.

Until then, the best I can do is recommend following the PCB traces to locate the power and serial I/O pins.

Best wishes,



Hello @mccormick,

Message from Broadcom:

The sensors are expected to be used with the data readout board below:

AFBR-S6DPYEBB01 Broadcom Limited | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey

This is the data readout board that is intended to work with our sensors so that customers can evaluate the performance.

Pinout for the AFBR-S6EPY12111B sensor board