PL-259 and SO-239 Connectors on the DigiKey Website

We’re sometimes asked to locate PL-259 and/or SO-239 connectors for refurbishing older radio gear. However, neither of these show up as a connector style in the search filters for coaxial connectors on our website. This often leads people to believe we don’t sell this style of connector.

Luckily, we absolutely do. PL-259 and SO-239, together, are referred to as a ‘UHF’ connection. This broader term has come to replace the individual sides of the connection in common parlance; the term ‘UHF connector’ encompasses both of these older names. PL-259 refers to male plugs, and so UHF male plugs are equivalent. You can see a selection of such connectors here: UHF Coaxial Connector (RF) Assemblies | Coaxial Connectors (RF) | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey

SO-239, on the other hand, refers to the female jacks or receptacles that mate to these cable-side plugs. We have fewer of these, but we do have some you can check out here: UHF Coaxial Connector (RF) Assemblies | Coaxial Connectors (RF) | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey