Please help! SOT89 Marking code ZJ IC identify

Please help! SOT89 Marking code ZJ IC identify.

Hello, I could not verify the markings on this one.

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This ic locate on mitsubishi FX5U AXIS control port (Y0 - Y3). May working on hi speed control and look like mosfet.

There is a database that may help identify the part. I have run into this problem many times and have been successful, but not always. If you can positively identify the package, you may be able to get down to only a couple possibilities. Here is the link: The SMD components marking codes database - Starting with 'ZJ'



Welcome to the forum.

Thank you for the link to the easy to use SMD marking code site, it looks great.

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I search around (Include SMD Code DATA BOOK by TURUTA 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2019) for ZJ marking code for SOT89 footprint and not found. Who can help? Thank you in advance

I’m not able to verify a part to offer for this .

Are you absolutely sure it’s a SOT-89? It does look like one to me, but could it be a SOT223?. I checked every source I have and could not find a ZJ in SOT-89.

This picture take from real IC. it’s SOT89 Footprint.