I have a project where i wish to install a Beaglebone Black inside a computer case, its a very large case so room is no issue however i want the Beaglebone to be much like a slave to the main computer, using it to monitor and control various fans, lights, pumps, temperature just to name a few.
I would like to make the Beaglebone power up/down with the main computer. while looking over the PSU specs i see there is the 5v (SB) @ 2.5amp (Purple Wire) which stays hot all the time, it is used primarily for keeping some of the USB ports hot (not using this feature) when powered down. i would like to know if i can use this to power only the Beaglebone and with an INA219 to monitor a 12v rail, when the 12v drops the Beaglebone can then power down correctly.
also wondering a possible way to get it to power up, i was thinking of using a TTP223 touch sensor I/O pin connected to p9_9 PWR Button to turn it on but would be much nicer if every thing would power up with a single button…
any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated
Thank You