Protective Earth for Safety Certification


We are an Onsite Inventory Distribution and Management company in Australia supplying customised solutions for our clients. Solutions include the provision of Industrial Vending and similar technologies.

We have recently designed and built a prototype system Control Box using a Meanwell RPS-200-12 power supply to power the system hardware. We are looking to get the system into production deployment and have been asked to have the controller certified for Electrical Safety and EMC.

EMC has been successfully completed, but we need assistance to meet the Safety Standard 62368-1. The issue we face is that the RPS-200-12 has no Protective Earth terminal or connection facility. Our safety compliance Consultant has directed that we replace this PSU with one that has a three wire mains connection of Active, Neutral and Protective Earth. We have not been able to lopcate a MeanWell PSU to nmeet this requirement. Can you direct us pleae?

We are currently using 4761-DAC-13H-ND [IEC Mains Inlet] which uses faston terminals connecting via crimpled connectors. Our consultant advises that any crimped connectors used, and the hookup wire [green/yellow] must also be CE standard certified to meeet the 62368-1 spec. Can you help us here also please?


The purpose of a protective earth/ground conductor is to provide a safe path for current flow in the event of a fault that would otherwise electrify a device’s conductive chassis and pose a shock hazard.

Accordingly, the ground/earth conductor from a power entry module is typically connected directly to the equipment chassis somewhere near the entry module itself. A short length of green or green/yellow wire (depending on jurisdiction) is typical for the task.

There’s no PE/ground connection at the supply’s input connector because the supply will necessarily be completely surrounded by the overall device’s enclosure, and it’s the chassis that needs to be connected for the PE/ground to serve it’s function, not the supply. It is typical though for such supplies to have a particular mounting hole designated as an interface point for a protective earth connection, for EMI-related reasons as much as anything else.

Regarding the matter of crimped connections, it’s unclear to me what exactly may have been meant. You’d probably want to use the brown/blue/green-yellow color scheme for a product under European jurisdiction, wiring material of a construction appropriate to the application environment and of a suitable gauge size, and properly-applied connectors that fit.

Your consultant should be able to provide well-articulated guidance specific to your circumstances on such points. If not, you may wish to seek a replacement.