Renaming A Selected Net Actually Renames A Different Net

Often if I select a net then click the visibility check box, the net name (e.g. Net007) is not shown. Furthermore, renaming Net007 to something else actually renames a completely different net. I would upload a picture but my company firewall may be blocking it.

It seems the GUI net has become cross wired with a different net in the database.

Has anyone experienced this and does does anyone have a solution for this please?

At the moment, the only way to rectify the problem is delete all nets and start again but this is of course impractical.

Good day @kier,

After clicking on the visibility check box, the net name should appear.

Then double click on the net name to edit and move it, like so…
Recording 2022-01-11 at 15.36.19

Want to try this and see if it works for you?

Kind Regards,

Thank you Brian but it’s not so much the visibility, it’s the fact that if I click and rename the red net, the green net is renamed.

It seemed to have stopped now but if it reappears I’ll try to screen capture it.

I have captured the issue but the I can’t upload the .gif. I just get:

“Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.”

@kier - can you please share your project link so we can try to replicate your issue?

Many thanks Cody.

In desperation I deleted all my nets and started again and it seems much more stable now. However, I will endeavour to make a test project to recreate the issue.

Thank you for the update! would you mind still sending your project link so the Scheme-it team can evaluate the history and nets?

Unfortunately I could not replicate the issue in the test project. I think I’ll have to park this until it happens again. I’ll be sure to respond here if it does. Sorry to waste your time.

Now I captured the issue again. Here’s the project link.

  • Go to battery BT1
  • Select the pink net on the negative terminal it should say Net1002.
  • Toggle the visibility checkbox.
  • You will see the net name display of a dissociated net (DAB_ADC_ISEC) is toggled.


  • Delete Net1002.
  • Add a new net in its place.
  • Toggle the visibility checkbox.
  • You (hopefully) will see that the same “cross-wires” effect has attached itself to a different but still dissociated net.

Hi @kier - when trying to reproduce the issue I can see that the net is labeled and associated with DAB_ADC_ISEC not Net1002. When I double-click the net to isolate it and delete only the wire tied to the negative battery symbol I am able to add a new net that is not associated with DAB_ADC_ISEC.
Can you verify this?

One known bug we are aware of and working on is that a single-wire net will not be visible even when the checkbox is selected.

Yes I see the same now and yet at the time I described the problem, the net was called Net1002. Scheme-it seems to have a gaslighting feature.

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Just testing if can upload an image via email.

I had the same issue, it seems it’s generated when you copy-past a part of of schematic conting nets/wires, they keep an invisible link with their source and makes a big confusion further. So I would mention not to copy any net/wire just elements and rewire them manually.

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