RF connectors TC-600-NMC and TC-600-NMC-2-D

Dear Sir, Please advise RF connectors TC-600-NMC and TC-600-NMC-2-D. what is the different between? I cant find the specification of the different

thank you very much

Welcome to the community!

I’m doing some research on the differences.


Hello @user85,

I checked with the Product Specialist for the differences. Please see response below.

Per the MFG:

The outline changes somewhat as does the plating from silver to Albaloy but the main difference and the reason for the change, is a simpler termination process. This older design had six pieces while this newer connector only has three. We’ve also modified the prep dimensions to bring them in line with our CST-600 prep tool.

As you can see from the VSWR curves, the electrical performance of the two designs is almost identical. Basically, a 1.20:1 to 6 GHz.

3190-357C(TC-600-NMC).pdf (31.5 KB)
3190-6122(TC-600-NMC-2-D)_B.PDF (40.8 KB)

3190-357(TC-600-NMC-A) LMR-600-NMNM-1.0M-2015.01.27