I’m not sure where I should post this question, but hope its ok here. I recently bought 2 RFID tags at DigiKey. One is part number:1471-1125-nd 13.56 mhz. the other is 296-24841-nd 13.56 mhz. This one works with my reader but the other one doesn’t. They are both at 13.56 mhz but the key fob doesn’t work. I’m not sure what I over looked. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You, amos
Hello Abwaldner and welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
Would you be able to provide the part number or model of your reader?
Also, which one of the RFID tags is working and which one is not?
RFID tags/readers have standards and communication protocols, the standard/protocol for the readers/writers would dictate what tags you would use with that reader.
MIKROE-1475 DigiKey PN: 1471-1125-ND - uses ISO 14443 standard
RF-HDT-DVBB-N2 DigiKey PN: 296-24841-ND - uses ISO 15693, ISO 18000-3 standards
I think you’re going to find when you look up the specs on your reader either it doesn’t do ISO 14443 or you need to modify something in firmware to read ISO 14443.
Here is an example of Standards/Protocols specified for RFID Readers on our website:
The reader is a Contrinex RLH-M30HF. Yes the ISO number is the only thing I see that is different. I didn’t realize that would make a difference.
296-24841-nd This is the one that works.
Thank You for the reply amos
The documentation for RLH-M30HF is indicating it is compatible “High-Frequency (13.56 MHz) (ISO/IEC 15693)”
which explains why it’s working with that tag.
Thank You for the help. Do you see a key fob on Digi key that would work?
When I select Key Fob for style and ISO 15693 for standard I don’t get any stocking results.
There is one option from a Marketplace supplier that sells them in a minimum of 161 pieces:
MAX66140K-000AA+ Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated | RF and Wireless | DigiKey Marketplace
Ok. Thank you.
Click here for the ones we do have in stock, although they are not the key fob style. I see we have a credit card style and some other smaller ones.