Sanyo PWM Controller board 9PC8045D-R001 uses a variable resistor (not supplied with the board) for 0-5v voltage control and controller board 9PC8045D-V001 uses an external voltage for voltage control and both control voltages are connected to the same terminals. If they both use 0-5v, why aren’t the control boards interchangeable?
Why would the board care if the 0-5v is from a variable resistor or an external source?
Both controller boards must be different since the price of each is different.
Hello Gordon1 and welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I am not seeing anything that would make these not be interchangeable, or if there is any difference between these two. I am going to reach out to our product specialist to see if they can assist with clarifying this. We will reach out to you once we have received a response.
The Control Voltage version and the Variable Resistor version do not use the same input/output terminals.
Control Voltage:
Variable Resistor
Technically they are interchangeable as long as you’re ready to swap an externally driven 5VDC PWM signal with an internally driven potentiometer.
Edit to show the PCB versions:
Control Voltage:
Variable Resistor:
We are looking at the PCB control boards and not the box with the screw terminals. The control voltage is applied to the third pin from the left on both -R001 and -V001 control boards.
They likely have the same circuit board but different supporting components for the two versions. The Control Voltage version I would wager has a microcontroller and supporting components to interpret the timing of the PWM signal which would explain the added costs.
Here is the information from the product specialist.
Per the MFG:
9PC8045D-V001 is rated for 0-5.5V input control voltage. Please see our catalog page below:
The 0-5V range shown in our manual is the standard range for variable control, the extra .5v is a buffer to protect the circuit from overcurrent. The 9PC8045D-R001 controller doesn’t have a voltage control option, so there isn’t really a voltage control range spec on this one since this function is replaced with variable resistance input instead. See the attached instruction for more details.
Regarding the differences, these two are not directly inter-changeable since they have a different control method (variable voltage vs. variable resistance input) but they could replace each other with changes on the system side.
Click here for the Instruction Manual