Saving Project

Good morning, I’m sending this message due to an issue I’m having with saving the project I’ve created using your Scheme-It application. I am unable to save, export, or share any of the electrical documentation that I’ve been working on. Can you Help?

Hello hscott,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum community.

Do you get any errors when trying do any of that or does it just keep spinning on you?

I did have one issue with our PCB builder not uploading files and kept spinning on a customer which had to be address by our IT team.

If you’re getting any errors please post an image of it here.


Thank you for your quick response, it keeps spinning and the save button isn’t highlighted. I am not receiving any error messages at this time.



Hi Holly,

Sorry for the late reply. Are you still having the same problem? I notified the IT but had no response yet. If you’re still experiencing the same problem I’ll submit a new ticket for them to review.


Is there a fix for this I am having the same issue? Spinning and the save isn’t highlighted.