Shenmao Solder # PF604-F5 Cross Reference

At this time, we dont carry the manufacturer Shenmao or their part # PF604-f5. Some of the specs for the wire are Sn99.3%Cu0.7% with an outside diameter of 1.0mm. The following parts can be considered as possible substitutes.

Mfr Kester Solder Apex Tool Group Apex Tool Group Kester Solder
Supplier Kester Solder Apex Tool Group Apex Tool Group Kester Solder
DK Part # KE1856-ND 72-T0051387499-ND 72-T0051387899-ND 24-9574-7611-ND
Description K100LD 3.3%/268 .040 500 G ROBO WSW SC M1 1,0MM SN0,7CU3,5% WSW SC L0 1,0MM, SN0,7CU3,5% SOLDER FLUX-CORED/275 .0240" 1LB
Series 268 Weller® Weller® 275
Type Wire Solder Wire Solder Wire Solder Wire Solder
Composition Sn99.3Cu0.7 (99.3/0.7) Sn99.3Cu0.7 (99.3/0.7) Sn99.3Cu0.7 (99.3/0.7) Sn99.3Cu0.7 (99.3/0.7)
Diameter 0.040" (1.02mm) 0.039" (0.99mm) 0.039" (0.99mm) 0.040" (1.02mm)
Melting Point 441°F (227°C) 442.4°F (228°C) 442.4°F (228°C) 441°F (227°C)
Flux Type No-Clean No-Clean No-Clean No-Clean
Process Lead Free Lead Free Lead Free Lead Free
Form Spool, 17.64 oz (500g) Spool, 17.64 oz (500g) Spool, 17.64 oz (500g) Spool, 1 lb (454 g)
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The TechForum Cross Reference category is for parts that Digi-Key does not sell or parts that have gone obsolete. Our Engineers and Techs have reviewed the specifications for these parts and made a recommendation for a replacement. Please review the suggested part to ensure it will work for your application.