Sipeed Maixduino Development Kit for RISC-V AI + IoT

Currently, there are numerous IoT development boards available on the market. However, when it comes to AI IoT development boards, the options are quite limited. Among those available, high-performance boards tend to be expensive, while the more affordable options often lack adequate performance or have other limitations. In our quest for an AI IoT board that balances performance and cost-effectiveness, we discovered the Sipeed MaixDuino AI Development Kit.

What is Maixduino ?

Maixduino makes the Arduino IDE and libraries support the Maix series of development boards (k210 chips), making it easy to use a large number of existing open source Arduino libraries for rapid development and prototyping.

Seeed Studio Sipeed Maixduino Kit for RISC-V AI + IoT features the Maixduino development board, the GC0328 camera module, and a 2.4inch TFT display. The Maixduino development board is designed in an Arduino Uno form factor with an ESP32 module on board together with the MAIX AI module.

The Kit includes: Maixduino controller, 2.4” LCD screen, GC0328 camera

Sipeed Maixduino AI Development Board Hardware Overview:

  • The main attraction of the Sipeed Maixuino development board is of course the Sipeed M1 AI module. The Sipeed M1 module is based on the K210 RISC-V AI processor from Kendryte.
    In AI processing, K210 can perform operations such as convolution, batch normalization, activation, and pooling. At the same time, pre-processing of voice direction scanning and voice data output can also be performed.
  • For WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, the Sipeed Maixduino uses an ESP32-WROOM module.
  • For programming and debugging the Sipeed Maixduino uses a CH552 USB microcontroller. With the specialized ch55x_dualserial firmware the CH552 can create two virtual UART ports which can be used to program the Sipeed M1 module as well as the ESP32 module.
  • The Sipeed Maixduino also contains an MSM261S4030H0 MEMS microphone for audio capture.
  • The board also has an RGB LED located near the MEMS microphone for use outputs. Other LEDs onboard include the power LED along with RX and TX indication LEDs for both Sipeed M1 module and ESP32.
  • The board also has an onboard microSD card slot for storage explanation.
  • For interfacing the TFT display the board uses a 24-pin 0.5mm FPC connector. The display that comes with the kit is a 2.4” ST7789 TFT display with a resolution of 320x240 pixels, and it uses an 8-bit bus for interfacing with the M1 module.
  • The 24-pin camera FPC interface supports various camera modules including OV2640, OV5640, OV7740 and GC0328.

Sipeed Maixduino AI Development Board Pinout:

Sipeed MaixDuino Ai Development Kit Features:

  • CPU: RISC-V Dual Core 64bit, with FPU; 400MHz neural network processor
  • QVGA@60FPS/VGA@30FPS image identification
  • Onboard ESP32 module support 2.4G 802.11. b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.2
  • Arduino Uno form factor, Arduino compatible interface
  • Onboard omnidirectional I2S digital output MEMS Microphone
  • 24P 0.5mm FPC connector for DVP Camera
  • 8bit MCU LCD 24P 0.5mm FPC connector
  • Support self-elastic micro SD card holder
  • Reset and boot button; 3W DAC+PA Audio output
  • Just connect the USB Type-C cable to complete the download
  • Machine vision based on convolutional neural network
  • High performance microphone array processor for machine hearing
  • Support MaixPy IDE, Arduino IDE, OpenMV IDE, and PlatformIO IDE
  • Support Tiny-Yolo, Mobilenet and TensorFlow Lite for deep learning

Software support:

The Sippeed Maixduino supports many popular frameworks such as MaixPy IDE, PlatformlO IDE and Arduino IDE. It also supports various real-time operating systems such as Free-RTOS and RT-Thread. You can find detailed instructions on how to set up the Maixduino IDE can be found in the official Miaxuino documentation.


  • Smart Home applications like robot cleaners, smart speakers, electronic door locks, household monitoring etc.
  • Medical Industry applications like auxiliary diagnosis and treatment, medical image recognition, emergency alarm etc.
  • Smart Industry applications like industrial machinery, intelligent sorting, monitoring of electrical equipment, etc.
  • Education applications like educational robots, intelligent interactive platforms, educational efficiency inspection, etc.
  • Agriculture applications like agricultural monitoring, pest and disease monitoring, automated control, etc.


Applicable Part Numbers
