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Not sure on where to start with a SiTime product? Maybe you have a partial part number and other specifications to put together the rest of the part number. If that is the case, you’re in luck. Take a look at the part number generator that SiTime has on their website here - SiTime Part Number Generator.
For instance, if you have the base part number of SiT1532, a -40 to 85 degree Celsius temperature range, and a DC-coupled output VOL or AC swing of 350mV, you can click those options to build the part number. The frequency appears to be a standard 32.768 KHz with this option as well as the package size of 1.5mm x 0.8mm. There are a few other options that will need to be filled out to generate the part number such as frequency stability (PPM), DC-coupled output VOH, AC- or DC-coupled receiver, and the amount of packaging you would like. Once you click the options that you are satisfied with, the part number will be generated to order as a SiTime part.
With the example above, and the options filled in on the part number generator, you would see something like this for a final part number: SiT1532AI-J4-AA3-32.768E. Once you have the part number, click the “Buy on Digi-Key” button under the part number. If the part number is not in our system, please check out the post on How to order custom SiTime Programmable Oscillators.
With this post, you will receive information on how to order the custom SiTime inquiries.
Jeremy, thanks so much for bringing this up. I was very confused about how to get the amazing product discussed in this DigiKey blog post https://www.digikey.com/en/product-highlight/s/sitime/low-power-oscillators
If possible, can you link your or Matt’s post into that blog post, and potentially provide more information on the oscillators product page? I was personally really confused when I found hundreds of thousands of Sitime oscillators, but none at the exact frequency I wanted. If when someone goes to the oscillators product page, they could see a little banner that mentions that you can custom-program oscillators not listed, that would lead to more orders. I think it would appear like favoritism to mention this only for SiTime oscillators, surely other manufacturers also produce programmable oscillators that have frequencies or voltages not listed as DigiKey products, but that customers may desire for their applications. I know the website user interface people think of the DigiKey layout as sacred (so do I), but that information would be appreciated for these sorts of programmable products!