SiTime MEMS oscillators arrive at Digi-Key as unprogrammed, blank parts. Every SiTime part number corresponds to a unique oscillator configuration which we use to program the parts as orders come in. There are billions of valid SiTime part numbers, but we list only a small subset of them on our website. If you would like to order a valid SiTime part number not currently listed, let us know here and we will get it added ASAP!
Are you sure it’s not already listed?
Before you submit a request, you should first attempt to verify that the part is not already listed on our website. If you have a part number in mind, enter it into the part search at
TIP: Remove the Packaging option from the end of the part number before searching. For example, instead of searching for “SiT2001BI-S2-33N-6.000000G”, try searching instead for “SiT2001BI-S2-33N-6.000000” (i.e. remove the ‘G’ from the end).
If you’re not sure what the exact part number is, you can use the parametric search in the Oscillators Category ( not the Programmable Oscillators category). We find it best to apply filters iteratively using this method. Start by making selections on just one or two of the parameters (whichever ones are most important to you) and then click Apply Filters . Repeat the process with the remaining results until you’ve either found what you are looking for or determined that it’s not currently available.
Submitting a Custom Part Request
Once you’re confident that we don’t list the desired part number on our website, you can create a TechForum post in this category to request that it be added.
You can request a specific part number:
I’d like to order SiTime part number SiT2001BI-S2-33N-60.000000. Can you please add it to your website?
Or you can provide a description based on a similar part number:
I’d like to order an oscillator like SiT2001BI-S2-33N-6.000000, but with a frequency of 60 Hz rather than 6 Hz. Can you do this?
In the latter case, we will generate the new part number and send it to you so you can order it.
If you can’t find a similar part number, we can still help you. Just tell us what information you do have, and we’ll let you know what else is needed to build a valid part number.