SM04B-GHS-TB(LF)(SN) - Request Component Data

Please help to provide the details for below component.

<< Please fill in the Tape&Reel details below >>

Tape&Reel Carrier Tape Material: (Embossed / Paper)?

Tape&Reel Carrier Tape Width:

Tape&Reel Component Pitch:

Component Pin 1 Location in Tape&Reel (°):

If possible, please provide indications or markings for Pin 1.

Component Washability: (Yes / No)?

We only use Deionized Water via Aqueous Machine with Drying process after washing.

<< Please fill in the Reflow Solder details below >>

Do you adhere/follow JEDEC Standard or J-STD020 for Soldering ?

Peak Temperature:
(Max Temperature allowed in Reflow Solder)

Minimum Time Above Liquidus:
(Min at Reflow Zone at 217°C)

Maximum Time Above Liquidus:
(Max at Reflow Zone at 217°C)

Heat Cycle/Reflow Cycle:
(Recommended number of Reflow passes)

Welcome to the Technical Forum. Unfortunately this appears you have to request from JST. The link for the data is locked. Here is the link:

If you try to download from the SM03B-GHS-TB, you have to fill out your information. Sorry. This is one they will control where they send the data. We will not be able to obtain this information for you. You will have to go through the process and they will provide you information. Unfortunately this one we can’t help with.