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hi there i have a question about 2 parts i have blown a pcb now i want to repair it by replacing the blown components but they are burned that bad i cant identify them
i have a picture of them before the blow but i cant find them to buy/order new ones
The DA QX I think is a 2SD1664-Q which is obsolete, but the recommended substitutes are this transistor and this transistor. Both have the same package as the original.
I suspect you’re right that the part placed in the FS1 spot is probably a zero Ohm resistor, based on the marking of the undamaged part. However, based on the damage you have, it wouldn’t surprise me if the designer had intended for an actual fuse to be placed there rather than a zero Ohm resistor, especially since they mark the spot with “FS1” rather than “JP1”.
I have no idea what fuse current rating would make sense, but that might have protected your other components.
its a original product i didn’t change anything or build it my self so the FS1 zero Ohm Resistor is from factory default
but thanks for your information
its a interface for HVAC installation to connect with PC but someone connected it powerline (230V) that caused the damage normally it is connected on a busline with 12-24dc