Temperature sensor type integrated into Flow Meter 114991177

I am wondering what type of temperature sensor is included with the flow meter part # 114991177.
It is not thermocouple, but could be a thermistor or and RTD.

@DeanW, Welcome to Digi-Key TechForum

114991177 is a water flow sensor to measure the water flow rate. (The water flow rate is the volume of fluid that passes per unit time.) The water flow sensor is composed of Hall Effect sensor , turbine wheel, and magnet. Its working principle is as below for your reference. It looks like the temperature sensor is not included.

The datasheet states it has a temperature prode, and it’s shown in the picture on our website. I checked on the manufacture’s website, and they do not have any info on the temp sensor, but under the FAQs, one entry stated it is probably a 50K ohm @ 25 degree C sensor, but no info on the temperature/resistance ratio or chart.