The Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D405


Where are the origins of the depth and color coordinate system and how do they relate to each other?



MFR PART # 82635DSD405
DIGIKEY PART # 2311-82635DSD405-ND
Supplier Product Page Depth Camera D405 – Intel® RealSense™ Depth and Tracking Cameras


The Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D405 utilizes the Intel® RealSense™ Depth module D401. The specifications are covered for both products on the same data sheet.

When looking at the diagram below notice the following:

  • Z’ = The distance from the Depth Start Point to the front glass of the product.
  • Z = The distance from the front glass of the product to the scene + Z’

To find the value of Z’

Z’ is referenced in the table below as -3.7mm for the D405


When the Calculations call For Z it is different than when they call for Z’

To find the value of X and Y


The imager is on your right If you are looking directly at the front of the camera, it is the left imager from the perspective of the product.

Ground Truth should be located at (X,Y,Z) -9, 0, -3.7


To find the minimum value of Z

This value depends on the resolution you choose to use in your application.

Minimum-Z Depth D401/D405
Resolution Min-Z (mm)
1280x720 100
848X480 70
640x360 55
480x270 45
424x240 40


The D405 operates at an ideal range of 7 cm to 50 cm with minimum object detection down to <1 mm at 7 cm.

The relationship with the color map

  1. RGB to depth hardware sync is only supported with the same frame rate for all streams
  2. For simultaneous Depth and RGB streaming, it is recommended to set the color resolution to the same value (or higher) as the depth resolution
  3. USB 2.0 supports a subset of the possible resolution/frame rate combinations due to the bandwidth requirements. Maximum simultaneous stream configurations are:
      a. Depth: 640 x 480 @ 15FPS; Imager: 640 x 480 @ 15FPS; RGB Camera: 640 x 480 @ 30FPS
      b. Depth: 480 x 270 @ 60FPS; Imager: 480 x 270 @ 60FPS; RGB Camera: 424 x 240 @ 30FPS
      c. Depth: 848 x 480; Imager: 848x480; RGB Camera: 1280 x 720 @ 10FPS


  1. Depth and Color are mapped to the same UVC interface
  2. To ensure proper USB 3.1 device enumeration, connect cable to D400 camera first, then insert into host system port
  3. For information regarding USB interoperability, refer to whitepaper “USB Interoperability Testing for Intel® RealSense™ Cameras” - USB Interoperability Testing for Intel® RealSense™ Cameras – Intel® RealSense™ Depth and Tracking Cameras