Specifically for the Samsung L2 Horticulture LED Module


What is the nature of your question in regard to these items?

I am beginning to produce custom horticulture luminaries and was looking for some guidance on application methods of the grease between a 2 foot led board and the heat sink?

In a volume production environment, I suspect that a system like that used for screen printing of T-shirts or applying solder paste to a PCB would be a likely approach. The dimensions are a bit unusual, but there are a fair number of places that laser cut solder paste stencils to order. I expect they’d work quite nicely for thermal grease as well.

There’s some discussion of thermal interface materials here that might be helpful. Given the relatively low thermal load per unit of heat transfer area, the thermal interface isn’t as critical as it is with CoB-type devices and if one desired to do so for some reason, use of a thermal adhesive tape such as the 3M 8805 material might be an option.

Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated.

I will look over the material, I am at a scale now that allows me to do it by hand, but as things ramp up I will definitely need to explore the more scalable techniques. The UL Horticulture 8800 Certification process really focuses on the heat at the junction as an added requirement to ensure the LED’s are not severely overdriven and will perform and last as stated.

Be well and stay safe, thanks again.

If you do not have a silk screen pattern.
Here is a description of applying thermal compound.

Put a small amount on the heat sink where your LED board will go. Start out small so you aren’t wasting the grease, apply more if you need it in the spreading process.

Spread a thin layer of the grease all over the surface that will be covered by the LED board.

Once you have a coating of grease over the surface, place your LEDs on, pressing lightly, and let sit.
Tools to spread the thermal compound.

or you can use a plastic card like an old discarded credit card.

Here is an article that we posted about thermal management for LEDs.