Thermocouple for DAQ

------Question for 6069-410-060 Please Put your question below------

Hello, I was hoping to have some questions answered that have to do with the DAQ:
1286-6069-410-060-ND, we are looking to run some temperature testing using thermocouples that are connected to a battery. We want to monitor the voltage of our batteries depending on the temperature. Is there a recommended Thermocouple that can monitor the voltage and temperature from -40 to 100C for this specific product?



You’ll not get useful results using thermocouples with this DAQ unit unless a substantial amount of additional signal conditioning is provided; they’re one of the less convenient temperature sensor technologies around. A thermistor of some flavor is probably the only probe-like device that could be interfaced more or less directly. The difficulty there is that thermistors have a nonlinear output characteristic, so the 12-bit resolution of the DAQ in question probably wouldn’t be adequate to cover the requested temperature range with any decent accuracy. A person could conceivably use some of the digital I/O on the device to implement some sort of gain programming as a workaround, but that’s not particularly convenient either.

If you could elaborate a bit as to number of channels, desired resolution/accuracy, physical constraints, etc. we may be able to offer some more specific suggestions.