I am looking at the datasheet for TLV171IDBVR. I also attached a picture of the datasheet.
At section 6.1 Absolute Maximum rating, it is stated that the Supply voltage V+ to V- range from -20 to 20V.
However at section 6.3, it is also stated that single supply from 2.7V to 36V can be used.
I am planning to use 24V single supply, will that work or it only works up to 20V ?
Thank you!
The absolute maximum potential difference between the two power supply pins on the part is 40v, with 2.7 to 36 being the range recommended for operation. 24 is nicely within that range, and should work nicely.
Thank you for your reply, I thought the same. The part where it wrote -20V minimum and 20V maximum confused me.
Hi Rick,
Would it also be ok to use this op amp as an ADC input buffer ?
Thank you!
That’s a question to which an answer might sound like a pharmaceutical commercial: Are your analog inputs floppy and difficult to digitize? Talk to your doctor about Opampify. Opampify may cause elevated power dissipation, increased bill of materials, DC offset, offset drift, elevated noise levels, loss of signal bandwidth and variations of these symptoms as a function of temperature. Misuse of Opampify can cause uncontrolled oscillations, which may be harmful or fatal…
I see no a priori reason why it couldn’t be used as such, though whether or not it’s a good choice in your particular circumstance is something you’d have to gauge for yourself. The datasheet’s there to describe all the ways the device deviates from the ideal; whether or not any of those imperfections would disqualify the part for the purposes of your needs depends on what your needs are.
Thank you for your answer,
I am a student and i am still learning about this stuffs. I am building a project that involve sampling ADC value from 0V to 3.3V from a sensor with a sampling rate of 1MHZ.
I am not sure which parameter to look at to choose the buffer op amp
Analog Devices offers some excellent resources on related topics in their Op amp applications handbook and Data conversion handbook. Free full text PDFs available.
You mentioned a 24v supply earlier; that probably wouldn’t be a great choice in conjunction with an ADC operating from 3.3v, due to potential for release of magic smoke.
You also mentioned a sampling rate goal of 1 MHz–the AC characteristics of the part would be something to check. A good ADC driver should be able to settle to a stable output value in the time available between samples. It can be seen from the excerpt below that the part in question takes 6-10 us to settle following a step change in input, so selection of a faster part (e.g. higher gain bandwidth product) would probably be a good idea.