I have an LED handpiece and I’d like to use it but I don’t know how to power it. I remember reading somewhere that it’s 12V. The connection attached to the unit is male and is circular with two pins and a notch. The connection looks just like the one in this product (DigiKey part number): 1754-1371-ND. I’m looking for a way to power it - as in plug it in. What power adapter or product could I get that would 1) connect to the unit and 2) power the unit? Thank you.
Weclome to the Technical Forum. I am sorry. Without having the part number for the Led handpiece so we can find a data sheet, it would only be a guess on our side. We need more information to try to find a solution.
Hi etrep,
We would need more to go on. First, what is an “LED handpiece”?
Some images would be a good start, and a part number, manufacturer name, and/or anything else to try to figure out what the device is and where to look for data about it would help a lot.
It’s used in LED light therapy for skin. The field is dermatology or esthetics. I don’t have a part number. Here are two pics - the connection and the instrument itself. I’d like to know if there’s a product I could by - a power source - that I can connect it to and turn it on and see if it works. Maybe it’ll be an adjustable power source? And would one normally come with the connection adapters or would that be a separate product?
Hi etrep ,
The connector you pointed out looks similar, you’d have to review datasheet specifications to make sure it will work for you. As far as an adjustable supply, something like 1528-5130-ND (5130) may be worth a try, although no guarantees it will work or if recommended for use in your application.