What would be the best type of variable power supply for this project?

I asked a question regarding the B&K Precision 1901B variable power supply and it was suggested that I may not need something that expensive. I was wondering if someone could suggest something cheaper.

I need a power supply capable of delivering anywhere between 0 and at least 30VDC and between 0 and 30A to a breadboard. My reasoning is I need to be able to run a variety of different DC motors, among other things, without necessarily having specific resistors or other electronic components on hand. It simplifies the process of switching out motors and motor drivers in the project, and such a power supply would be useful for other projects, as well.

Is there anything cheaper than the 1901B that would do the job or something else that would be better for what I’m trying to do?

Hello joe2,

Click here for 2260-KWR102-ND
This one is a 110-220VAC input, with 0-30VDC @ 0-30A output, and is about 1/2 the price.
Please check the datasheet.

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David found what is I believe a great option for your application. Here’s the user manual for it: https://www.sra-shops.com/pub/media/docs/srasolder/instructions/kwr102+103.pdf

Other good options are (highest to lowest price):


Finally a warning, steer clear of the very inexpensive 0-30V 30A power supplies available on many web sites like this one: Switching DC Power Supply KXN-3030D (0-30V 0-30A) | 100530 | Other by www.smart-prototyping.com
It very likely will work for your application out of the box, but even under hobbyist level usage it may only work properly for half a year. (a tech @ work tried a cheap unit on the production floor and it didn’t last)