Wiring a DPDT switch to act like a SP3T

Here is a simple way to wire a DPDT switch that can act like a SP3T. This will be a ON-ON-ON switch function style.
The easiest is to put a jumper from Pin 5 to Pin 3.


I studied this for a while but it doesn’t look like an ON-OFF-ON DPDT switch. Please help me understand how this works. Thanks.

This Switch is a DPDT style switch. The illustration is to show how to use it as a SP3T switch. This is set up to be a ON-ON-ON style SP3T.
The jumper wire is put in there to connect the two poles together. Without the jumper it would be a DPDT switch.

There are other circuit styles for the DPDT switch depending on what is required.
Yes it could be different for a ON-OFF-ON DPDT style switch. The best thing is to look at the switch and check out the wiring diagram for it.
That will give the best description on how to correctly wire the switch.

I hope this will help
Any questions Please let me know.

All the DPDT switches that I have seen have have 2 poles and 2 throws with off in the center. The two poles are independent. When the “toggle” is in the center neither of the four outer pins are connected to either of the commons The diagram you have drawn shows the lever in the center position acting on the top of pole 1 and the bottom of pole 2 which is not how an ON-OFF-ON DPDT switch works, so that conversion does not make sense since the base switch you are using is already an ON-ON-ON switch.

Can you point me to the wiring diagram for the switch shown.

However, if Digikey has the switch shown in your diagram in toggle, right angle PCB mounting format I would like to purchase some. SP3T toggle switches seem to be very rare.

The example is for a ON-ON-ON style. It is Not for a ON-OFF-ON style.
Yes the DPDT ON-OFF-ON will have the center as OFF.
Yes the SP3T switches are rare. The manufacturers will use the DPDT and use a jumper to make it SP3T

Are you looking mainly for a ON-OFF-ON DPDT switch? I can help you find something that will work for you.

I ultimately want a SP3T toggle switch with right angle pins to control three input signals to one output. I think I have looked everywhere. I am happy to use any switch that can be wired (or soldered) to implement SP3T. I have found one ON-ON-ON that could be configured but it is rare: https://octopart.com/100dp6t1b1m6qeh-e-switch-7057738?r=sp&s=Tlv2LM4gRemIEKgYvZnRnA

Here are a couple options for a SP3T toggle Switch with Right Angle pins.

One thing to Note that on these they will be a ON-ON-ON style. In order to get the SP3T orientation you will have to jumper two of the pins. On the Wiring diagram it will say which two pins to jumper to get this configuration.
As for a SP3T switch that is set up already we do not have.

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That’s very helpful. I have no problem adding a PCB trace to link two pins. All the ones you have shown are good options. Thanks for your help.

This simply can’t work, in the center position (OFF), the switch disconnects everything from common pins. only the jumper in 3-5 will remain connected.


This is true if you have a center “off” position, however @Paul_Burmeister is talking about a DPDT that is an “ON-ON-ON” and has no center off. Take a look at CKN1491-ND As you can see from the data sheet below there is no Open contacts in the “ON-ON-ON” configuration.




Thanks Robert and John, now I understan, the example is for a DPDT switch with ON-ON-ON function, which comnects terminals as follow:
Keyway Position
1-2, 4-5
Center Position
2-3, 4-5
Opposite Keyway
2-3, 5-6
like this switch 2NT1-12

Sorry, but I was thinking in a DPDT [ON-OFF-ON] all this time.

Sorry for necro’ing an old thread, but I wanted to comment because I’m trying to figure out how to wire a DPDT on-on-on to act like a SP3T.

What throws me off with this diagram, though, is the way the pins are laid out. Do pins 3, 2, and 1 represent one straight column of pins on the actual switch, while pins 6, 5, and 4 represent the other straight column of pins?

I understand that this may be a standard notation. I’m functionally a semi-trained monkey when it comes to wiring, though, and I’m at a basic point in learning how to read these things.

Thank you for your time!

Hello @iankinzel,
I looked at a couple datasheets and they all seem to indicate that 123 and 456 are on opposing sides of the switch. That being said I would double check the datasheet from the specific switch you are using to make sure the internal functions are laid out the same as shown above.