Xbee only transmits data every 5 seconds

Sorry if this post isn’t in the right place.

I am trying to configure two Xbee S2C’s to communicate. I am sending data through UART into the DIN pin on the coordinator, and trying to receive data through the DOUT pin on the router.

For some reason, the data only seems to come through once every 5 seconds. The DOUT pin is high for 5 seconds, and then a bunch of the uart signals get sent through at once. The signals seem to come through in bunches of 15, then a short pause, then 15 more. It seems around three to six of these 15-bunches of uart signals comes through every 5 seconds.

I am not sure what could be causing this, but I am fairly new to Xbees. I am running them in ZIGBEE TH Reg version 4061 in AT mode. I disabled CTS and RTS, and I set the RO Packetization Timeout to 0.

If anyone could help me solve this problem to get a continuous stream of data sent through the Xbees it would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @Lassley, this sounds like the XBee’s are still in Broadcast mode:


How many devices are you planning to have in your network? In this example, you mention 2, in that case, i’d set [Destination Address High:] and [Destination Address Low:] bits to match your Coordinator XBee.


Hi @Lassley , Do you have one device set as coordinator and the other as router? Digi has an example “Basic XBee ZB Zigbee (Series 2) Chat” at link https://www.digi.com/resources/examples-guides/basic-xbee-zb-zigbee-(series-2)-chat
The modules in this example are older but similar to the S2C modules you have but conceptually the same setup would apply.

Thank you for your response. I tried adjusting the settings as you suggested, but I still seem to be doing something wrong. Here are the settings for each Xbee:

PAN ID = 5135
Scan Channels = 7FFF
Coordinator Enabled
SH = 13A200
SL = 41B12A48
MY = 0
DH = 0
AT mode enabled
PAN ID = 5135
Scan Channels = 7FFF
Coordinator disabled
SH = 13A200
SL = 41A755B4
DH = 0
DL = 0
AT mode enabled

Do you see what I am doing wrong here?
Thanks again

Hi @Lassley, first let’s change these two parameter on your router device:

DH = 0 (Destination Address High)
DL = 0 (Destination Address Low)



So now your Router is communicating directly with the Coordinator, and then retest…


I made those changes, but it now appears that no data gets through. I was under the impression that the DL of one should match the MY value of the other. Should I change the coordinator DL from FFFE?

Oh, yeah on the Coordinator, you should leave the MY/MP/DH/DL in their default modes.

I need to double-check, as i might have a few S2C’s here at home. But at Digi-Key, our older S2C based Weather Sensors used this configuration: (as you can see the Coordinator was pretty much default…) (The sleep mode also required a random jumper wire, so leave that alone…)


Thanks again for trying to help me on this. I reverted the Xbees back to default and then followed your configs exactly (except with a different baud rate and no sleep mode) and it still does not appear to be working.

When I go to the console in XCTU and type into the coordinator, it seems to get relayed directly back to the coordinator and each letter appears in the console directly after the letter I just typed. Nothing gets relayed to the router. When I type into the router nothing happens.

I am using a different firmware update than you, but I would not expect this to cause the problem?

What Firmware are you running, just found a few S2C’s in my home collection…

I am using ZIGBEE TH Reg version 4061. I’m going to try downgrading to 405F and seeing if that works, but I don’t have high hopes.

Edit: no change

@Lassley, Let’s see if this helps:


SH: 13A200
SL: 41563703
Product Family: XCB24C
Function Set: ZIGBEE TH Reg
Firmware version: 4061

Everything default, except for these Configuration Changes (blue triangle's)

ID: PAN ID: 4321
ZS: ZigBee Stack Profile: 0
CE: Coordinator Enable: Enabled [1]
NI: Node Identifier: GATEWAY_XBEE_S2C
KY: Encryption Key: 0
NK: Network Encryption Key: 0
BD: Baud Rate: 115200


SH: 13A200
SL: 416722E7
Product Family: XCB24C
Function Set: ZIGBEE TH Reg
Firmware version: 4061

Everything default, except for these Configuration Changes (blue triangle's)

ID: PAN ID: 4321
ZS: ZigBee Stack Profile: 0
DH: Destination Address High: 13A200
DL: Destination Address Low: 41563703
NI: Node Identifier: ENDDEVICE_XBEE_S2C
KY: Encryption Key: 0
NK: Network Encryption Key: 0
BD: Baud Rate: 115200

and here’s a video of the serial link.



That seemed to do the trick! Thank you so much for all your help, this problem has been frustrating me for a while.


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