I am trying to track down a capacitor datasheet. The capacitor has alpha-numeric markings like so:
It is black and gray. Please hold for the photo:
That is the schematic I received w/ the motor driver that has the cap on it.
and here is the best photo I can get w/ my camera:
If you can find this item, I am searching for a datasheet of this particular model of cap.
Hello Once More,
I found, via the mfg. of this specific board, a similar datasheet but they cannot get me the correct datasheet b/c their records are not all that up-to-par.
See here:
If this helps, please let me know. I will continue to search.
P.S. I am basically trying to figure out if the capacitor and L298 chip can handle my 12v 3.3Ah battery supply.
Did the manufacturer give you a part number? The markings on the cap do not seem to match the markings on the Nichicon data sheets I am showing.
No sir…the mfg. did not give me a part number. The Nichicon datasheet I have listed is what they gave me as a supplement. They did not keep good records of what they produced and this capacitor is a missing item that just, by chance, ended up on my driver.
Unfortunately I am not showing the marking matching anything in our system. If the manufacturer does not know who made the cap it may be best to replace with a known cap to ensure the specifications are met.
Hello Again,
Okay sir…thank you for trying.