Alternative for M54123LG-S08-R Earth Leakage Current Detector

If you are looking for the part M54123LG-S08-R from Unisonic Technologies (UTC), please note that we do not currently carry the M54123LG-S08-R Earth Leakage Current Detector. However, we do offer similar devices from other manufacturers.

We recommend reviewing the datasheets for alternative detectors to ensure they meet your application requirements.

Earth Leakage Current Detectors


Applicable Part Numbers
DigiKey Part Number Manufacturer Part Number
2129-NA2201BDAE2STR-ND,2129-NA2201BDAE2SCT-ND,2129-NA2201BDAE2SDKR-ND NA2201BDAE2S
2156-M54134FP#CB0G-ND M54134FP#CB0G
2156-M54122L#TB0J-ND M54122L#TB0J
2156-M54134GP#CB0J-ND M54134GP#CB0J
2156-M54134FP#TB0G-ND M54134FP#TB0G
2156-M54129L#TB0J-ND M54129L#TB0J
2156-M54128FP#DB0G-ND M54128FP#DB0G
2156-M54128FP#TB0G-ND M54128FP#TB0G
2156-M54128L#TB0J-ND M54128L#TB0J
2156-M54131FP#CC0G-ND M54131FP#CC0G
2156-M54124L#TC0J-ND M54124L#TC0J
2156-M54125P#TB0J-ND M54125P#TB0J
2156-M54125L#A10-ND M54125L#A10
5536-GL7101SDTR-ND GL7101SD
5536-GL7101SN-ND GL7101SN
2156-KA2807DTF-488-ND KA2807DTF