Arduino Unoのサンプルプログラム:シリアルアナログ入出力

この例は、アナログ入力を使用してアナログ出力を制御する方法を示しています。 この回路のポテンショメータは、LEDのパルス幅変調(PWM)を制御するために使用されます。 スケッチはまた、マッピング機能を使用して、アナログ入力範囲(0~1023)を取得し、それをアナログ出力範囲(0~255)にマッピングします。


//constants are used in this sketch to give names to the pins that do not change
const int analogInPin = A0;
const int analogOutPin = 11;

//Variable set up to store the value of the potentiometer.
int sensorValue = 0;

//Variable set up to store the output to the PWM (analog output)
int outputValue = 0;

void setup() {
//Set up the serial communications

void loop() {
//Read the value of the potentiometer
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);

// map it to the range of the analog out
outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

//Set the PWM of the output LED to the mapped value
analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue); 

// print the results to the serial monitor
Serial.print("sensor = ");
Serial.print("\t output = ");

// wait 2 milliseconds before looping back to the top






// Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to
const int analogInPin = A0;

// Analog output pin that the LED1 is attached to
const int analogOutPin1 = 9;

// Analog output pin that the LED2 is attached to
const int analogOutPin2 = 10;

// Analog output pin that the LED3 is attached to
const int analogOutPin3 = 11;

//Variable set up to store the value of the potentiometer.
int sensorValue = 0;

//Variable set up to store the output to the PWM (analog output)
int outputValue = 0;

void setup() {
//Set up the serial communications

void loop() {
//Read the value of the potentiometer
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);

// map the output value to the range of the analog out(0 to 255) x 3
outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 765); 

 * In the below set of code, we take the outputValue variable and divide
 * it up to control 3 separate LEDs

if (outputValue <= 255) {
	// if the potentiometer is in the first 3rd of travel

	// change LED 1 to the analog out value:
	analogWrite(analogOutPin1, outputValue);

	//make sure LED 2 and 3 are off
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin2, LOW);
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin3, LOW);

} else if (outputValue >= 256 && outputValue <= 510) { 
	// if the potentiometer is in the middle 3rd of travel

	// Turn on LED 1
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin1, HIGH);

	// set LED 2 to the adjusted brightness.  Subtracting 255 gets us the correct value.
	analogWrite(analogOutPin2, outputValue - 255);

	// turn LED 3 off
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin3, LOW); 
} else {
	// if the potentiometer is in the last 3rd of travel

	// Turn on LED 1
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin1, HIGH);

	// Turn on LED 2
	digitalWrite(analogOutPin2, HIGH);

	//We have to subtract the 510 to find the level of brightness for the 3rd LED to be set at
	analogWrite(analogOutPin3, outputValue - 510);

// print the results to the serial monitor
Serial.print("sensor = ");
Serial.print("\t output = ");

// wait 2 milliseconds before looping back to the top





カートへのリンク: Digi-Key - Fast Add
