Assign or edit Values, Names, and Part Numbers for symbols

Q) How can I give values to my symbols?

A) Click on the symbol you want to define. Then click on “Part Properties” on the right sidebar. From there enter the part name and value. Make sure to select the box next to the value or name, otherwise it will not show on the schematic.

  1. Click on the part and go to Part Properties
  2. Click on the check box to show the values/name you create.

Q) How can I create or edit the name of a selected component?

A) This will be the same process as listed above. Click in the part properties you can change the name of the part.

Q) I’m trying to label individual circuit lines (Nets). Is that possible?

A) Yes, just click on the net, then on your right under Net Properties, you can edit the net name, change the style, and color. Clicking on the text will allow you to change the font size, as shown…

Q) I want to add other text beyond the provided part attributes, can I do that?

A) You can add text anywhere, but know that it will not connect to a part and therefore will not transfer to your BOM when you export it. To add text, Click on Insert and then the text box, and you can move it where you wish.

I have a problem with pins in “Build a Symbol” mode. I assign one pin as Clock pin and it is drawn like Clock pin (with triangle), but when I use this custom icon in my scheme this triangle is not represented. Can you handle this issue, please?

We have logged this issue and will address with the development team.

I am using Scheme It on a Mac with OS 10.11.6. I need to change the part number of an IC, but when I click on “Part Properties,” the “Part Number” box is greyed out. I have tried Chrome, Safari and FireFox with the same result.

If the part you are trying to change was selected from the Digi-Key Catalog, the part number information will be locked.
If you add a generic part, or use the Build a Symbol tool, you will then be able to change the part number or use the catalog assign feature to include part information from Digi-Key’s vast list of parts.

Thanks Cody.
Are you saying I need to start over, deleting my catalog part with all its connections and building a new one?

Unfortunately, yes. There is no way to replace the part number information on a catalog part without replacing the symbol.