
We immediately want to find BF4532-L1R2CAA which is obsolete part. There are some similar parts like BF4532-L1R2CAC and BF4532-L1R2CAD or Johanson 1200BP44A575E filter. We tried the equivalent parts but they did not work like we want.

Is there any stock that I can find BF4532-L1R2CAA ? (We have 30 parts of this filter and they correctly work for our design.)

Many thanks.


The manufacturer of the part in question appears to be a company named Advanced Ceramic X in Taiwan. This is not a manufacturer carried by DigiKey, so we would be unable to procure it for you. I’m also not finding mention of any stock available in the broader market using my usual tools to look for such things, so I’m afraid that I cannot help in terms of finding available stock somewhere.

Aside from the Johanson part you mention, I’m not finding any other 1.2 GHz BPFs in that package size, so unfortunately I don’t have any suggestions for other alternatives that you might try. If there’s any other way that we might be of assistance, please let us know.