Connecting to Arduino

------Question for SGX-4OX Please Put your question below------


I am familiar with programming but less familiar with hardware.

How would I use this sensor with an Arduino or ESP-WROOM-32 to receive an integer value between 1-1024 corresponding to the range of this sensor?

Thank you very much,
– tasaif

Hello Tasaif and welcome to the forum.

Can you provide more context to help flesh out how you are expecting the value to be recieved?

What is the sensor?
What is the basic functional diagram of your sensor/microcontroller circuit? (specificly, how does you expect your sensor to get to your microcontroller/arduino?)
What communication protocal are you planning to use? (GPIO/digital, SPI, I2C, etc.)

It should be easier for us to help with this information.

There is an application note here from the manufacturer describing recommended interface circuitry for their various sensor products. A suggested circuit for the SGX-4OX sensor is given in section 4, and amounts to a simple non-inverting amplifier circuit, the output of which can be read using the ADC peripheral of one’s chosen microcontroller platform.

Due to the small signal being measured and low supply voltages involved, selection of a low-offset op amp with rail-rail input & output capability would be recommended, with NCS333ASQ3T2G being an example of such.

Thanks all.


  • the sensor is described in the header of the original post
  • the sensor would be connected with a wire
  • whichever protocol is beginner friendly


  • Where did you find this application note I did not see it listed on the product page?
  • I reviewed the circuit in section 4. I do not understand it fully, but thank you for sharing it.
  • Am I correct in understanding that the NCS333ASQ3T2G could be used in place of the circuit described in section 4?

For the SGX-4OX, tie a 100 Ohm resistor as shown in page 7 of Amphenol’s app note for this part.

Here is the relevant screen:

You should be able to pool your ADC pin at that point and get a reading.

Ok so all I need is a microcontroller, the SGX-4OX, and a 100 ohm resistor?

At the bare minimum that is all you should need. You would want the rest of the circuit if you need to gain the signal at all.