Datasheet for DigiKey Part Number 448-PXDNGL01TOBO1-ND

Looking for Data sheet of DigiKey Part Number: 448-PXDNGL01TOBO1-ND

Thank you for your inquiry and welcome to the community.

I do not see that there is any publicly available documentation for this dongle.

It would appear that after you download and install PowerCode software from Infineon and get a license key, the dongle would work with the various digital controllers Based on this post from Infineon Developer Community

I don’t have the software downloaded and installed because it’s behind a registration wall, I would hope that there is some level of instructions on using the tool included in PowerCode documentation.

Try installing the software and poking around the User Guide. If you are still having troubles I would open a forum thread on the above linked Infineon Developer Community for support.

Thank you, Kris