Downloading my purchase history

Hi, I was wondering if there is some way to download all of my past purchases in a machine-readable format (e. g. CSV).

I know that from the “Order Status and History” page, I can go to each individual salesorder and download that salesorder as CSV. However, there are 161 salesorders in my history, so that will be a lot of manual work to download all 161 CSV files.

Is there some way to automate this? I looked into using the DigiKey API, but it seemed too complicated. (Actually, the API itself seems simple enough, but authenticating via OAuth2 was the part that was too complicated for me to figure out. Also, there’s some sort of “approval” process, which seems heavyweight for a one-off script to download my order history.)

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi @ppelleti!

I’m checking in with sales and customer service to see if this feature exists on the site, I’ll let you know what I find out.

Lindsay Foy
Senior Applications Engineering Technician
Applications Engineering

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I spoke with sales regarding this, they said that at this time the only self serve tools on the MyDigiKey page would be order specific, meaning downloading order history would have to be done individually on the order level.

The good news is that it sounds like our Customer Service may be able to run a report that pulls all of your order history into one excel file. I’d recommend reaching out to them at with your customer number so they can extract that info from our system and email it to you privately.

Hope this helps you out!