I would like to draw a diagonal line between two components. Is that possible?
I would like to draw a diagonal line between two components. Is that possible?
@Billy, Currently you are only able to draw vertical and horizontal lines in Scheme-it. This is fairly standard as it helps create clear ans easily readable diagrams. Once you move to designing a pcb layout there is often options in the design software for diagonal traces to help with board layout. If you have any further questions please let me know.
Here is an update to this question. The ability to use diagonal lines IS in the tool. To make options for later export of schematics we have kept this functionality to non electrical parts. See the image included here as examples. Notice that any “wires” associated with just shapes are manipulable. Notice that any “nets” connecting between to schematic symbols will only allow vertical or horizontal movement. If you require the addition of angles or soft corners please use shapes to portray the circuit.