Drill Files for PCB Builder

Drill files are required for PCB Builder board houses.

Learn how to generate your Drill File in Eagle
Learn how to generate your Drill File in KiCad
Learn how to generate your Drill File in Altium

If you think the error message “Missing Drill File” is showing in error feel free to let us know in this post.

This page is a work in progress, more resources will be added and compiled.

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The link for how to make drill files in eagle is broken.

Thank you for the feedback.

Try this link:

Gerber Files & NC Drill: PCB Manufacturing Basics 1 | EAGLE | Blog (autodesk.com)

The new link works. Thank you. Confirms that my using excellon.cam in the Eagle cam processor to generate a drill file in excellon format.is correct.


The original link has been updated.

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