General Question to the HDSP-A22C


i just need quick help with the Pin assignments of the HDSP-A22C 14-Segment Display, i know which pin controls which segment but like i have no clue if it uses the standard DIP18 pin assignment or not, the datasheet doesnt really help me understand.


Thank you for contacting DigiKey , per the data sheet the pitch of the pins is 0.1 inch and the row spacing is 0.6 inch page 1 under Package Dimensions

Thanks Craig

Hi kevin.heinischer,

Not clear what you mean by “the standard DIP18 pin assignment”. The dimensions and pin-out for the HDSP-A22C are shown on pages 1 and 2, respectively, of the datasheet that @Craig_2048 linked above.

The HDSP-A22C is the common-anode version (as indicated by the “A22C” suffix rather than “A27C” suffix), so follow the connections as shown for the common-anode version.

I suspect the nature of the question runs more along the lines of “what’s pin 1?” Indeed, that doesn’t seem to be explicitly shown.

Such items do evince a degree of cross-vendor similarity however, and looking at the PDA54-11SURKWA as a parallel example, it looks like pin assignments are similar to what one would expect of a typical DIP 18 package.

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