Amphenol Advanced Sensors’ NPI-EVAL-KIT allows quick evaluation of their NPI-19 Nova Sensor series of digital I2C industrial pressure sensors. This post will discuss contents of the kit, setting up the kit hardware and software, and using the kit with an example NPI-19 series I2C pressure sensor.
Nova Sensor NPI-19-I2C Evaluation Kit -
Nova Sensor NPI-19M Industrial Digital I2C Pressure Sensor, 2.5psi Operating Pressure
MATLAB Runtime and NPI19_EVT executable GUI software (included with NPI-EVAL-KIT).
Amphenol Advanced Sensors NPI-19M series of digital pressure sensors is offered in a broad selection of options including thread versions, pressure ranges and absolute and gauge pressure types as shown in chart below.
Setting up the kit for evaluation of a Nova Sensor NPI-19M I2C Pressure Sensor
1 - Kit contents consist of an evaluation board and USB drive. The evaluation board includes a USB interface, power input, I2C sensor interface connector, OLED display and on/off switch. The kit provides the ability to display sensor data on either the board’s OLED display or PC GUI and ability to data log sensor data to a file on the PC.
The USB drive contains three files, including an application note, user guide and evaluation software installer.
(note: not included in the kit but needed for operation of the evaluation kit are a NPI-19 sensor, USB cable and power supply)
2 - The eval kit software consists of the NPA19_EVT MathWorks runtime application that runs on a Windows PC. The application GUI provides the capability to start/stop/save the sensor data and toggle the OLED display on/off
Detailed instructions on installing and using the software can be found in the NPI-19-I2C evaluation Kit User Guide.
3 - Make note of the correct I2C connector/cable orientation and plug in a NPI-19M sensor (for this example, a NPI-19M-002G2 was used for testing purposes). You will also need a power supply with output voltage of 2.9V to 5.5V. Connect a USB cable to the PC running the NPA19_EVT evaluation software.
Start the NPA19_EVT software and select the COM port for the evaluation board. Once connected, sensor data can be displayed on either the OLED or application GUI. Additionally, the NPA19_EVT software can be configured for sampling rate and data logging the sensor data to a .csv file.
Amphenol Advanced Sensors’ NPI-EVAL-KIT provides a quick and easy method to test and evaluate their broad offering of NPI-19M series of digital industrial pressure sensors. The kit provides flexibility for testing the sensors with various sampling rates and power supply voltages.
- Amphenol Advanced Sensors- NPI-19-I2C evaluation Kit (V1.0) User Guide
- Amphenol Advanced Sensors- NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor data sheet