Hellermann Tyton 9M4 suffix for T18R9M4 callout

Cable Tie2

What does the ending 9M4 mean in part number T18R9M4? Same with any of the Hellermann Tyton ties, that start with T18R?

We have to compare the part numbers and other series to determine the meanings of these suffixes.

The first digit would be for the color.
0 = Black
1 = Brown
2 = Red
3 = Orange
4 = Yellow
5 = Green
6 = Blue
7 = Violet
8 = Grey
9 = Natural
10 = White

The second digit is for the size of the package we receive them in.
M = 1000 pieces per package.

The last digit would be the approximate length.
4 = 4" length (Actual length is 3.93")

So the T18R9M4 would be a Natural color cable tie, with 1000 pieces in a manufacturer’s package, and is 4" (3.93") long.

so what does suffix -C2 means on T18R9C2 please?

C is a package of 100. I’m not positive on the 2 since the length is approximately 4 inches, looking at the spec sheets for [T18R9C2] and [T18R9M4] the only difference I see is REACH compliance where T18R9C2 is compliant and T18R9M4 is not.

Found this on the Hellermann site. Looks like it might be a MFG standard package callout and not actually a difference in the part at all.