Hello everyone, Please i need a help, Can someone Say Me how to find microcontroller , in photo,

I could not find any good information on this one. Just a few pictures on the internet.

I have a behringer umc404hd and yes this microcontroller need for my soundcard its fries ,

Took a look at the XMOS web site but didn’t see any part numbers that seemed related to the marking on the chip. https://www.xmos.ai/

Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a pre-programmed or semi-custom version that they only sell to Behringer.

Yeah I think So, and I can find any alternative? or buy again Same Soundcard then replace a chip , thats weird thjng:D

I wouldn’t do that, I’d buy a new soundcard and dispose the old sound card.

With a burned out chip on board there is a very high probability that other parts on the PCB need replacement. Also in future months or years more parts will likely fail from the fault that burned out the micro.