Hi I have some transistors/diodes/rectifiers here that I cannot seem to find on DigiKey.
Looking up the manual https://www.electronicsdatasheets.com/download/131236.pdf?format=pdf it say these are Ultrafast Recovery Rectifier’s.
is a close up photo to help
There is also a SF20D300HPI in short
And a bunch of these in short “30F132”
See attached photo
SF 20D400SD2
SF20D400D2 pdf, SF20D400D2 Description, SF20D400D2 Datasheet, SF20D400D2 view ::: ALLDATASHEET :::
I was able to match the footprint speed and current but only at 200V not 400V with 497-7583-1-ND STTH1602CG-TR STMicroelectronics | Discrete Semiconductor Products | DigiKey
I am sorry but I did not find a direct cross in our current listings.
on these 30F132 I had no luck getting close.
SF 20D300HPI I found nothing at all