Help identifying this connector

Hi all, I’m trying to make an adapter harness to fit the C341 connector on my Ford F150. The purpose is to use it to power some running board lights.

The connector I need is this:

It would mate to a connector that looks like this:

I believe it’s one of these but there are several part numbers all of which look identical. I’m guessing the difference is the keying but I’m really not sure which one it would be. I suppose I could just cut the tabs off but I thought I would see if anyone would know.

There are others but it’s telling me I can only put 2 links.

Any help would be very appreciated.



just keep the same key

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Hi Robert, thank you very much for the help!

The connector on the truck should have the same key as the photos I posted. They are from an aftermarket inline harness that someone shared with me to help identify them. It definitely looks like they are in the right place but the angle makes it hard to tell.

What pins should I use with these and are there any special tools I need to build them?

Are these the correct pins to go with these connectors?

You are reasonably confident that they keying on 0334826261 is the same as the ones on the hotos I provided?

Are there any special tools required to build these?

Thank you very much for your help, Robert.

I had a typo in my initial post, that should be C431 not C341.

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