Help identifying this smd fuse

I need help identifying this smd fuse on a Philips sonicare pcb so I can order the correct part from DigiKey. I believe i blew the fuse attempting to fix another part of the board as it shows no continuity on the multimeter. I thought i bought the correct fuse but it was much bigger than the one I needed. floorp-Bw-EP0p-ESDj hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB 049-FDFDD-3-A29-4717-B3-C2-9-B74788867-A8 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

Thank you for your inquiry. I cannot identify the part by the link given. Part specifications are needed what is the amperage and size of the fuse.

I didnt link any part, only pictures of the fuse i need help identifying. Im not sure the amperage or size of this fuse. The fuse I need is next to a 1206 fuse for size comparison.

The “P” code that is on the part links to the 003. on the screenshot of the datasheet screen shot. The part would be F1458CT-ND.

That is the wrong fuse, not the one that’s circled in red.

The next smallest that in stock is F11430CT-ND.